Category: Uncategorized

  • Using STCs to Understand Heat-Pump Hot-Water System Performance

    by Richard Keech


    STCs are the basis for federal clean energy rebates, including for heat-pump hot water systems (HPHWSs) and solar-thermal hot-water systems.  However, they can also be informative in understanding the performance of HPHWSs.

    Sanden - med res
    Performance of heat-pump systems is indicated by number of STCs earned


  • Hot water – more than meets the eye

    by Richard Keech
    orginally published December 2016, re-blogged 2019-07-20
    A couple of times recently on this list, the question of the relative merits of solar hot water vs heat pump hot water has arisen. There’s an oft-overlooked factor to consider when comparing these and that is the temperature set point, and more broadly how the temperature is regulated. Temperature regulation of heated water systems is a matter which has serious impact on energy consumption, as well as on biological safety (due to legionella) and on burn safety (due to the risk of scalding).


  • Will covering IC-rated lights make them fail quickly?

    by Richard Keech


    I’ve heard a few people say that covering IC-rated LED lights is bound to cause accelerated failure rate.  One the one hand it’s well known that electronic devices fail more quickly when they get too hot.  On the other hand, you’d think that the manufacturers of IC-rated lights would not rate them as OK to cover if it would cause significant reduction in their likely service life.  So I thought I’d delve a little closer.



  • Heat pump star ratings

    by Richard Keech


    There may be some confusion about performance ratings for heat-pump air conditioning units.  Here are a few thoughts and resources that may clarify things.

    IMG_2137 lores


  • Zero-bill case study

    By Richard Keech


    Here’s a quick look at how I’ve transformed my home to zero bills.   Since the beginning of the transition, at the time of writing I’ve saved nearly $49,000 in energy.  I expect to have paid back my investment in solar and efficiency by the end of 2019.

    Despite using much less energy, it’s also worth mentioning that the home is also much more comfortable than it was previously, thanks to the fundamental improvements to the thermal envelope.


    Energy consumption reduced to less than energy generation


  • In praise of smart meters

    by Richard Keech


    In Victoria, Australia, we now have a complete roll out of smart meters for our home electrical supply. It’s not unusual to find people who are of the view that smart meters are bad and that the roll out program was a costly failure.  I want to present an alternative view.  Smart meters give important capability, and the roll-out program has probably saved lives.



  • Verifying the Voltage Villain

    (aka Why I’m a Voltage-Optimisation Sceptic)

    Of late I’ve seen reports about how high grid voltage is supposedly a problem and why voltage optimisation may be the solution.  But is high grid voltage the villain it’s made out to be?

    By Richard Keech


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  • Don’t do ducts

    In selecting home heating, a common choice is a ducted system.  Generally I think ducted heating is a bad idea for homes.  Here’s my take on the problems with ducted systems.

    By Richard Keech

    2018-10-20  based on earlier work from 2013

    Last updated 2023-02-01

    IMG_2224 - lo-res
    Ducting has all sorts of problems


  • We need to talk about downlights

    by Richard Keech


    The problem

    Downlight fittings that you commonly see in Australian homes are often an energy and comfort nightmare.  They can be associated with up to five different problems.  Before you go replacing a halogen bulb with an LED replacement, read this.

    legacy downlight1
    Do not replace halogen bulbs with LED bulbs


  • Earth-improved heat-pump operation

    This outlines a possibly novel approach to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of heat pumps used for home heating, cooling and hot water. This involves placing the units in the sub-floor space to exploit the thermal mass of the ground in both summer and winter.

    By Richard Keech


    Heat-pumps are sometimes positioned under homes. What if this could be done in a way that made the systems work more efficiently.
